Use reference tracks in the genre you're making. If you see a message Windows has detected that audio enhancements for the following device are causing problems and you're sure that your audio driver is up to date and you still experiencing the problem, and no audio works on your machine or you can't play music, hear system sounds, or play any audio from the internet. Should I turn off audio enhancements in Windows 10?
How do I turn my headphones into surround sound?. Should I turn on Loudness Equalization gaming?. How do I turn off virtual surround sound?. How do I turn off audio enhancements 2020?. Should I turn off audio enhancements in Windows 10?. Click the Disable all enhancements checkbox. Click on the Enhancements tab to display all the available audio enhancements. In the Playback tab, right-click the audio device you would like to disable the audio enhancements for, and then select Properties. Click the Windows 10 start button and then type Sound.